Introduce people to Jesus Christ;
train the church to become more like Him,
and reproduce His life in others.
Leading people to experience a transformed life in Jesus.
Lives will be transformed in Jesus as we carry out our mission through:
Connect the church and community to Jesus Christ
Worship and serve together as a diverse family of faith
Communicate hope and healing through God’s love & forgiveness
Changed Lives
Lead people to a transformed life in Jesus
Train people to live the character of Jesus in life, ministry, and worship
Therefore we believe that in years to come,
as the Holy Spirit Leads:
SHCC families will build relationships
with the families of Sandy Hill Preschool
SHCC becomes a haven for healing for broken spirits,
relationships, and emotions
SHCC becomes a resource station for meeting
the material needs of our community
Everyone within a 1-mile radius of SHCC hears the Gospel
SHCC establishes a 4-year discipleship model
from conversion to active disciple
SHCC baptizes many people every year
SHCC Youth Ministry actively impacts our local public schools
SHCC sends out families, couples, or individuals
into full-time Christian service
SHCC plants a church here or abroad
Identity Statement
Who we are and who we believe God is calling us to be:
The people of Sandy Hill Community Church are,
first and foremost, followers of Jesus Christ, His life and work.
As such we are:
1. A church of community people reaching out with the gospel and love of Christ to the community we are called to serve.
2. A church that is resolved to preaching and teaching the whole Bible with all diligence and sincerity.
3. A church that is committed to a lifestyle of prayer.
4. A church committed to fulfilling and obeying the Great Commission.
5. A church committed to relationship building and hospitality.
6. A church of people who come from diverse denominational, theological and cultural backgrounds.
7. A church that is committed to developing Christ-centered families.
8. A church with a deep service ethic, reflecting the servant character of Jesus Christ.
9. A church that will maintain an affiliation with a network of churches of like core values for mutual accountability, resourcing, and community.
10. A church that is committed to living peaceably and proclaiming that peace in our ministry.
11. A church that respects the conviction of those who render service to our community as members of the military and
law enforcement.