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Introduce people to Jesus Christ;
 train the church to become more like Him,

and reproduce His life in others.


Leading people to experience a transformed life in Jesus.

Lives will be transformed in Jesus as we carry out our mission through:

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Connect the church and community to Jesus Christ


Worship and serve together as a diverse family of faith

Communicate hope and healing through God’s love & forgiveness

Changed Lives
Lead people to a transformed life in Jesus

Train people to live the character of Jesus in life, ministry, and worship




Therefore we believe that in years to come,

as the Holy Spirit Leads:



  • SHCC families will build relationships
    with the families of Sandy Hill Preschool



  • SHCC becomes a haven for healing for broken spirits,
    relationships, and emotions



  • SHCC becomes a resource station for meeting
    the material needs of our community



  • Everyone within a 1-mile radius of SHCC hears the Gospel



  • SHCC establishes a 4-year discipleship model
    from conversion to active disciple



  • SHCC baptizes many people every year



  • SHCC Youth Ministry actively impacts our local public schools



  • SHCC sends out families, couples, or individuals
    into full-time Christian service



  • SHCC plants a church here or abroad

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Identity Statement


Who we are and who we believe God is calling us to be:


The people of Sandy Hill Community Church are,
first and foremost, followers of Jesus Christ, His life and work. 
As such we are:



 1.   A church of community people reaching out with the gospel and love of Christ to the community we are called to serve.

 2.   A church that is resolved to preaching and teaching the whole Bible with all diligence and sincerity.

 3.   A church that is committed to a lifestyle of prayer.

 4.   A church committed to fulfilling and obeying the Great Commission.

 5.   A church committed to relationship building and hospitality.

 6.   A church of people who come from diverse denominational, theological and cultural backgrounds.

 7.   A church that is committed to developing Christ-centered families.

 8.   A church with a deep service ethic, reflecting the servant character of Jesus Christ.

 9.   A church that will maintain an affiliation with a network of churches of like core values for mutual accountability,                     resourcing, and community.

10.  A church that is committed to living peaceably and proclaiming that peace in our ministry.

11.  A church that respects the conviction of those who render service to our community as members of the military and
       law enforcement.

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